In a blockbuster social media campaign, Pizza Hut recently launched its most gutsy launch in the recent while in the form of the MomoMia range. A range of signature Pizzas with momos stacked inside the crust of each slice. The regular sauce of the pizza itself has been replaced with a spicy Schezwan sauce and the momo itself is possibly cooked with the pizza in the oven. The combination might sound a little too over the top and gimmicky but how does it fare exactly when it comes to taste, quality and execution?
We ordered a medium sized vegetarian version to review it on the above mentioned factors.
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First Impression of Pizza Hut’s Momo Mia Pizza
First things first, the pizza out of the looked pretty loaded with a lot of cheese, hearty toppings and quite robust momos (they have focused on that aspect so that the momos are not breaking apart with each bite).
Taste of the Momo Pizza
The Schezwan sauce was quite flavourful and spicy. The same went surprisingly well with the cheese and toppings.
The momo itself, wasn’t just robust in appearance, it had a decent filling of minced vegetables too. The same was of pretty high quality without a doubt. Just don’t forget to order an extra portion of the Schezwan dip because once you are done with the pizza and move on to the momo crust, you would need some dipping sauce to go with the momo.
Concept of the Pizza Hut’s Momo Pizza
The concept is about having fun. It is obviously not your quintessential pizza experience and if you order it expecting just that, it would not do justice to your expectation and definitely not to company’s concept. Nevertheless, if you want to just have a hearty and fun snacking experience, and are in the mood to indulge, the same could be a good decent option especially for those who love to try new things.
Price of Pizza Hut’s Momo Pizza
The range starts from Rs.. 269++ (Personal sized pizza with vegetarian toppings).